The end.

This is the end. I have decided to stop development of Steel OS 3.1 and scrap my plans for a Steel OS 4. I have not made any progress on Steel OS in months. It is too ambitious. I'm the only developer. It has not been on my mind in who knows how long. I don't see myself making any progress towards it anytime soon and as such, this is the end.

I do have some nostalgia for it. It had a good run. But it had problems, and I don't have the time for it anymore. But, I am not going to hold a funeral for this old project just yet. Some time in the next couple weeks, I will be uploading the unpackaged internals (which are SB3 files) for all builds to the internet archive. Furthermore, I hope to dial back my ambition and start over from a specific point: Steel OS 2.3 Build 1600. It seems once Steel OS 3 development was a couple weeks in, everything started going downhill. And that's because it already was. You see, Steel OS 3 was originally called Steel OS 3.0 and was supposed to have a virtual assistant (hence a "Steel64" feature in Steel OS 2.0,). This got scrapped before 3.0 began development.

And so, I'm closing this book, and opening a new one. Hopefully, a much better one. My plan is to take Steel OS 2.3 , and make small steps in development with each release. The new project is not to be revealed at this point in time, it will be available on my itch,io page when the first release is ready, if that's ever going to happen.

Thank you for using Steel OS. I never would've thought it would make it at least somewhere. <3

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